mrgsolve vs rxode2

By Matthew Fidler in rxode2 mrgsolve

October 13, 2022

mrgsolve vs rxode2

One of the most common questions I get is, “What are the differences between mrgsolve (1) and rxode2?”.

The most common reasons for this question are:

  • I really don’t know what tool to use, what are the advantages of each?
  • I really like one of the tools (either mrgsolve or rxode2) and I want to let my colleagues know how nice my favorite tool is.

I am not really the best person to answer this question since I am most familiar with rxode2 and can’t answer all the questions about mrgsolve. My guess is that Kyle Baron is most familiar with mrgsolve, and that he can’t answer all the questions about rxode2 either.

To complicate matters further, both rxode2 and mrgsolve are also moving targets. What I say or others say today may change as both systems evolve.

That being said I believe that mrgsolve, like rxode2, is committed to open science and open source. And both are open tools trying to help bring drugs to patients who need them. Both can be used in places that don’t have access to commercial tools.

In short, I think you can’t go wrong with using tools like mrgsolve. I believe mrgsolve is an excellent tool and has helped the pharmacometric community with delivering drugs to patients.

What I really like about mrgsolve

While my knowledge is limited, I would like to share the things I really like about mrgsolve:

  • mrgsolve creates C++ code that makes ODE solving faster than running an R function like in deSolve
  • mrgsolve is based on NONMEM’s data structure, while it is slightly different from NONMEM, a NONMEM dataset can often be directly ported to mrgsolve. For those who use NONMEM this is highly convenient.
  • mrgsolve data structure has been expanded by allowing CMT values to be named and also allows a replacement event, EVID=8.
  • mrgsolve has an easy way to create event tables ev().
  • mrgsolve syntax similar to NONMEM which makes it easier to translate, it even has a nm-vars plugin to make translation easier.
  • A feature I really like about mrgsolve is the plugin Rcpp that allows advanced calls into many places.
  • mrgsolve uses a C++ LSODA, which is a robust ODE solver.

All these features make it a good candidate for translating models from NONMEM. It could also translate from some other systems (like Monolix) but the analyst would need to know both languages.

What I like about rxode2 (and why I use it)

Many of the features of rxode2 are some of the same things I like about mrgsolve:

  • rxode2 creates C code that makes ODE solving faster than running a R function like in deSolve. While C++ compiling is slower than C compilation, rxode2 has another parsing step so the compilation speed may be different.
  • rxode2 is also based on NONMEM’s data structure, while it is different slightly from NONMEM, a NONMEM dataset can often be directly ported to rxode2. For those who use NONMEM this is highly convenient.
  • rxode2 data structure has also been expanded by allowing CMT values to be named. rxode2 also allows a replacement event, EVID=5 (not matching mrgsolve). rxode2 also supports multiplication events like deSolve (EVID=6) and a special phantom event used with transit compartments (EVID=7)
  • rxode2 has an easy way to create event tables et() which is very similar to (but not exactly the same as) mrgsolve.
  • The rxode2 implementation uses a thread-safe C LSODA, which is a robust ODE solver. It also has the classic FORTRAN LSODA, the dop853 solver, and an experimental inductive linearization (2,3) solver. In fact, the default method can solve ODEs parallelized at a C level. This comes at the cost of copying all the memory outside if R. This means that rxode2 may be faster if the ODE solving is slower thanks to copying the memory.

A big difference between the two packages that is also visible is model syntax. rxode2 uses Leibniz notation and puts the ODE in a single declaration. This is similar to how Berkeley Madonna models are coded and are not too difficult to learn. So to me, this also hangs on knowledge that is readily available to a pharmacometrician. I personally find it more convenient than mixing R and C style code, but this is mostly a stylistic consideration.

I also like that rxode2 supports nlmixr2 style functions. You can directly simulate from this code.

Also like nlmixr2, rxode2 can use model piping, that is modifying model features by:

  • Changing single lines of your model, ie inModel %>% model(Cl <- exp(tcl)) to drop a between subject variability.
  • Adding lines to your model by inModel %>% model(eff <- emax*cp/(ec50+cp), append=TRUE) You can also prepend the lines by model(..., append=NA)
  • Removing lines from your model by inModel %>% model(-eff)
  • Changing initial estimates of parameters inModel %>% model(tcl=5)
  • Changing variable names by rxRename() or simply rename() if dplyr is loaded.
  • Combining models with model1 %>% rxAppendModel(model2)

With those features and a model library many, many things are possible with little effort. (We are starting to build a model library called nlmixr2lib - we encourage you to contribute models you find useful).

I also like:

  • The easy plot() method for a solved object.
  • The new package babelmixr2 (which will be released shortly) which will convert rxode2 model to a NONMEM or Monolix model, and autostart models based on NCA. When it converts to either NONMEM or Monolix, the fit then runs the model against the rxode2 model and automatically validates the resulting rxode2 model (which can be extracted by as.function(fit)). To me this is the ideal way to write a model that applies to both NONMEM/Monolix and rxode2. There are other nice things too (but those are subjects for a future post).
  • The open source nature of the project and what it aims to do.

And of course, I run rxode2 because I am an rxode2 developer.

Am I missing something?

If I am mistaken about any of the wonderful features of mrgsolve please let me know. If I’m overlooking one of your favorite features of rxode2, please also let me know!


1. Elmokadem A, Riggs MM, Baron KT. Quantitative Systems Pharmacology and Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling With mrgsolve: A Hands-On Tutorial. CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology. 2019 Dec;8(12):883–93.

2. Duffull SB, Hegarty G. An Inductive Approximation to the Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations in Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science. 2014;02(01):1–4.

3. Hasegawa C, Duffull SB. Exploring inductive linearization for pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. 2018 May;45(1):35–47.

Posted on:
October 13, 2022
6 minute read, 1092 words
rxode2 mrgsolve
See Also:
nonmem2rx and babelmixr2
nlmixr2 family releases
babelmixr2, nlmixr2 and Monolix